Tellings Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied At School But Wants To Keep It From Your Knowledge

The school is considered as our children’s second home. It is supposed to provide them a safe haven, not only for learning, but also to express themselves without fear or judgement from other people. Unfortunately, school grounds have started to become a place where they become scared or conscious about the things they do, and this is because of their fellow students who are constantly picking on them.

It cannot be denied that bullying is an important issue that school administrators are finding it hard to address. It does not matter whether you decide to send your child to a public or private school, because bullies exist almost everywhere. While there are rules and regulations inside the classrooms that protect the safety of the students, incidents of bullying keep are still being reported every year. The worse part of this is that not all cases of bullying are brought into attention. Most of the time, the bullies’ victims choose to not tell anyone about their grievances, not even to their own families.

As parents, we cannot just force our children to tell everything that is happening to them at school, or else we can only make them more intimidated. Although, we can tell by their behavior or actions if they are having trouble with bullies. Once it is clear that your child is suffering from bullying, you can easily reach out and do what you can to prevent this from happening again.

When Your Child Is Trying To Avoid Conversations About School Or Classmates

It is easy to start a nice conversation with the whole family over dinner, and you can hear your children telling stories about their wonderful moments in the classroom. However, when your child seems to refuse to talk about school, that is a sign that there are things happening in school that he or she doesn’t want to remember. You can try asking about his or her classmates, and if your child feels uncomfortable talking about them, it is likely that his or her classmates are giving your child a hard time. Of course, that does not automatically mean bullying, but you can carefully ask your child why it appears that he or she is not getting along well with them.

When Your Child Is Scared Of Going To School And Would Rather Stay Inside The House

Your child opting to miss a school day just to do nothing inside his or her bedroom is a sure sign that there is something bad going on. There would be times when children feel lazy to learn, but when they prefer spending their time alone in quiet instead of having fun, that means that something (or someone) at school is bothering them.



We want to make our children feel secured inside the classroom, with the same level of security that Ring vs Arlo vs Nest provides inside our homes. The thing is that we need our children to cooperate with us by telling the truth about the bullying that they experience. Once we get them to open up, we can coordinate with the teacher and school administrator to do necessary actions to handle the bullies.

For it is when our children continue to thrive in hear instead of speaking out that the bullies feel more powerful and entitled to inflict pain on other people.