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Tag: tech

League of Legends is a strategy warfare game played on a multiplayer battle stadium that is online. Originally released by Riot matches for Microsoft Windows, OS X October 27, 2009, it has since grown in popularity and by January 2014, over 67 million people performed League of Legends a month with over 7.5 million playing […]

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SEO Link Building Tips

Search Engines, Links and Rankings They accumulate all of these pages, sort through them, and attempt to assign a value for them, or”rank” them. They do so with algorithms or formulas. Search engines traditionally given higher rankings to sites with the most links, the theory being that you must be offering something of value if […]

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Throughout the world, there’s been an gain in the amount of repair shops such as BreakFixNow or phones over the past one decade. There are tutorials on the internet that people undergo to mend devices that are damaged or malfunctioned in a DIY fashion in the home. No wonder, there are currently destinations in which […]

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